“The conversation was fantastic and the beer was even better.”
That’s how Ryan and Jim from the Nordeast Podcast described their recent interview with our very own Dan Justesen.
A lot of good conversations take place at the Fernweh taproom. Not all of them are recorded (which is probably a good thing in some cases), but this one was. You can listen to the whole thing right now on Soundcloud.
Ryan, Jim, and Dan talked about where to find Utepils, how we’ve managed to make the taproom feel “warm” even though it’s a giant warehouse, and why we care as much about the experience you have drinking our beer as we do about the beer itself.
Dan got to do most of the talking, but Ryan and Jim had a lot of nice things to say. Case in point:
“This does feel like one of the most well-planned out breweries. Everything is to a ‘T.’ It seems like you guys are set up to be brewing wonderful beer for a very long time in the Twin Cities.”
(That’s the plan!)
“Anybody who’s listening, definitely come down to this brewery...This is not just an everyday, run-of-the-mill brewery. This is a whole different experience.”
(We couldn’t agree more.)